
大蕁麻 (NETTLE) 治療掉髮?(中英對照)  


Stinging nettle has a theoretical benefit for thinning hair. Photo CreditBananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images


大蕁麻 (NETTLE)  治療掉髮?

Nettle for Thinning Hair

Last Updated: Jan 28, 2015 | By Linda Tarr Kent


你會發現 蕁麻 這個配方可以有效的幫助稀疏頭髮。

而這一種植物多年來被廣泛應用於多種疾病的治療,包含 風濕、泌尿系統疾病、前列腺問題等,受到德國委員會EGerman Commission E)批准使用治療於這些病症。

在理論上可治療異常落髮(Hair Loss),但這種植物與藥物會有些相互作用,當你在使用相關產品時,服用藥物請先告知醫師。

You often will find stinging nettle in formulations that promise to help with thinning hair. While this herb has a long tradition of medicinal use for numerous ailments, including rheumatism, urinary tract infections and prostate problem, and is approved for such uses by Germany’s regulatory body for herbs called Commission E, its use as a hair-loss aid is still theoretical. This herb can interact with medicines, worsen some medical conditions and have other side effects, so consult a doctor before trying it to alleviate thinning hair.



Significance 意義


無論是使用蕁麻的花或是根莖都是有治療作用的。在德國委員會EGerman Commission E)證實蕁麻根是可以有效治療前列腺問題的。


令人關注的是治療異常落髮的作用,因為透過 蕁麻 可能可以阻斷在人體內的雄性激素被轉化成 DHT(異常落髮發生的主要因素)。


DHT 是一種荷爾蒙,DHT會使毛囊萎縮,這是使男性異常落髮發生的主要因素。


 - Dihydrotestosterone,簡稱為DHTDHT是一種雄性激素。DHT在前列腺、睪丸、毛囊以及腎上腺中被還原酶(5-alpha reductase)合成出來。




 - 柔沛的作用是抑制還原酶(5-alpha reductase),副作用會使男性性慾降低、男性勃起障礙以及射精障礙,胸部觸痛及脹大,過敏反應(包括皮疹、搔癢、蕁麻疹、以及唇部與臉部腫脹);睪丸疼痛。






Finasteride(柔沛)相關資訊摘錄自:常用藥物治療手冊 台大醫學院碩士,美國杜蘭大學企管碩士陳長安編著


另一種理論是 大蕁麻的活性可以降低DHT在你體內的作用,因此有助於減緩異常落髮的發生。


Both the flowering plant and the root of nettle are used medicinally. Nettle root is approved by Germany’s Commission E for treating prostate problems. This is of interest for hair loss because the herb may work by blocking conversion of testosterone into DHT in your body. DHT is a hormone that shrinks hair follicles and is a factor in male-pattern hair loss. Medications to treat hair loss such as finasteride work by blocking conversion of testosterone into DHT. Another theory is that nettle reduces DHT’s ability to bind to sites where it is active in your body, thus diminishing its effects.




Considerations 注意事項


理論上大蕁麻對於睪酮和DHT的影響一直沒有相關臨床研究數據,一直到2011年在「使皮膚健康的營養Nutrition for Healthy Skin」作者Jean Krutmann在書中提到相關文獻。




While stinging nettle’s effect on testosterone and DHT, in theory, sounds promising, no clinical studies back the herb for treating hair loss as of 2011, notes Jean Krutmann, author of “Nutrition for Healthy Skin.” Nonetheless, you commonly will find nettle listed as an active ingredient in commercial hair loss formulations, sometimes under its scientific name of Urtica dioica. It is theoretically more effective when used in combination with pygeum or saw palmetto, which also may block DHT.




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