這是由義大利植髮權威醫師 Dr. Antonio Armani 開發新的分類系統,這個系統包括了多國種族的遺傳雄性禿的各個階段模式。
AlviArmani的脫髮表,是由Dr.Antonio Armani開發的新分類系統,該分類系統包括多個種族的遺傳模式禿頭各個階段。
AlviArmani的脫髮分類表 代替了Dr. Norwood的分類表。Dr. Norwood的分類表只有一種禿頭模式,而Dr. Antonio Armani的分類表有5種不同的禿頭模式,準確地描述了全世界脫髮模式的差異。
模式1: 與Dr. Norwood的舊式分類一樣,從前面和後面開始脫髮,最終在中間匯合。
模式2: 頭髮從頭頂開始後退,發展到前面的發線。
模式3: 前面脫髮,發展到頭頂。
模式4: (Ludwig’s Pattern) 禿頂從中央向外發展。通常適用於女性,但也適用於地中海沿岸地區和中東地區的大多數男性。
模式5: 在一小把頭髮周圍發展到月牙形,通常適用於地中海、中東和亞洲地區。
Alvi Armani Hair Loss Scale
The hair transplant industry has relied on
Norwood’s male pattern baldness classification chart for decades. His
classification neglected integrating disparities existing among different
ethnic groups displaying various patterns of hair loss. “Alvi Armani Hair Loss
Scale” a new classification system developed by Dr. Antonio Armani.
Representation of genetic pattern baldness globally from various ethnic
backgrounds and diverse groups are included in the new system. The “Scale” replaces Dr. Norwood’s older
scale. His scale indicated one balding pattern. Dr. Armani’s 5 different
patterns of balding accurately depict global diversity in receding patterns. Pattern 1: Describes Norwood’s older
classification states hair loss from the front and back eventually meets in the
middle. Pattern 2: Hair recedes from the crown
progressing to front hairline. Pattern 3: Frontal hair loss progresses
towards the crown. Pattern 4: (Ludwig’s Pattern) Centrally
based balding progresses outwards. Common with women, the pattern also targets
a vast majority of men in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. Pattern 5: A crescent shape progresses
around a small tuft of hair, commonly found in men of Mediterranean, Middle
Eastern, and Asian regions.